Tag Archive: Lead paint
Common Lead Paint Myth: Lead Paint in Homes and Schools is Not a Big Problem
July 6, 2023
In recent years, lead-based paint may not be on many people’s radars, but there are still some risks to be aware of. Older homes and schools tend to be high-risk because during their construction there was no federal ban on lead-based paint. As these buildings get older and their paint starts to deteriorate, people are faced with potential lead poisoning... Read More
Common Lead Paint Myth: Only Children are at Risk from Lead Poisoning
May 25, 2023
Children are most likely to get lead poisoning from lead paint through hand-to-mouth activity, as they’re playing inside or outside of the house. Teenagers are at risk if they live with an adult who’s exposed to lead at work, tracking it into the house through their clothing or shoes. Both groups are highly sensitive and need extra guidance to avoid... Read More
Lead Paint Myth: Eating Paint Chips Is the Only Way to Get Lead Poisoning
May 12, 2023
In the late 70’s the federal government banned lead paint because of its human health risks. Since then, it’s been widely understood that lead paint causes physical and neurological damage when ingested. While that’s true, many households still don’t realize that eating paint chips is not the only way people can get lead poisoning. In this guide, we’ll bust that... Read More