Lead Based Paint

Lead Paint Remediation and Testing Experts Serving NJ, NYC, Long Island, and Philadelphia

A source of lead poisoning for both children and adults, lead-based paint has been found to impact both physical and neurological health. Depending upon your facility requirements, LEW Environmental’s lead-based paint remediation includes total lead paint removal, stabilization, enclosure or encapsulation. All containment and abatement services are designed to eliminate lead exposure and preserve the health of occupants, personnel and visitors.

Common Lead Paint Myths Debunked

Lead Paint Myth: Eating Paint Chips Is the Only Way to Get Lead Poisoning

It is our mission at LEW Environmental to provide honest, reliable, cost-effective turnkey solutions to property related environmental needs, while ensuring the highest level of customer service and customer satisfaction. Our professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced team will continue to build on our legacy of trust and value, as we help clients succeed with their property oriented environmental goals and needs.

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Common Lead Paint Myth: Only Children are at Risk from Lead Poisoning

It is our mission at LEW Environmental to provide honest, reliable, cost-effective turnkey solutions to property related environmental needs, while ensuring the highest level of customer service and customer satisfaction. Our professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced team will continue to build on our legacy of trust and value, as we help clients succeed with their property oriented environmental goals and needs.

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Common Lead Paint Myth: Lead Paint in Homes and Schools is Not a Big Problem

It is our mission at LEW Environmental to provide honest, reliable, cost-effective turnkey solutions to property related environmental needs, while ensuring the highest level of customer service and customer satisfaction. Our professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced team will continue to build on our legacy of trust and value, as we help clients succeed with their property oriented environmental goals and needs.

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