Get Ahead of Lead

What To Do If You’re A NJ Landlord With Lead-Based Paint Hazards
If you’re a New Jersey landlord or property owner then by now we’re sure you’ve heard about NJ’s new lead-based paint regulations from the Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA).
If you’re a property owner or landlord who suspects or is aware of lead-based paint hazards in your unit then this article is for you!
Under NJ lead-based paint law P.L. 2021, c.182 (effective July 22, 2022) also referred to as NJ Lead Safe Certification Law, proposed rule N.J.A.C. 5:28A, if a lead-based paint hazard (paint & dust) is identified what must a property owner do?
Per P.L. 2021, c.182 you have two options: ‘Interim Controls’ or ‘Lead Hazard Abatement’
What’s the difference? The main difference is that Interim controls are a temporary measure while abatement is typically a permanent solution.
How do I get a Lead-Based Paint Free certification/exemption? In most situations you will have to abate the leaded surfaces. If abating the lead painted surfaces is too costly, too disruptive or just not the right time, Interim Controls can be used to satisfy compliance with P.L. 2021, c.182 & rule N.J.A.C. 5:28A.
Per NJDCA, I have included their description below of what treatments constitute Interim Controls vs. Lead Paint Abatement.
Interim Controls:

Abatement Controls:

All abatement work must be undertaken in accordance with the State regulations for Lead Hazard and Abatement, which are online at described in N.J.A.C. 5:17, available
Which is better; interim controls, or abatement? Before you can determine the best way to handle lead-based paint hazards, first you need to ensure you know what is lead paint and what is not. The only way to do that is to have your unit inspected.
Once you have determined the extent of lead-based paint present you are in a better position to determine what is the most appropriate course of action: exemption or cost-effective & efficient compliance.
LEW Environmental Service, long time NJ Apartment Assoc. (NJAA) and NJ Property Owner Assoc. (POA) member. We are the largest lead-paint inspection company and welcome the opportunity to share our 30+ years of experience and expertise to New Jersey property owners.
Are you ready to get ahead of lead laws? Call LEW Environmental Services today, questions are always FREE! 800-783-0567
Tags: environmental services, Lead