LEW Environmental offers comprehensive Lead environmental services to landlords, school systems, local governments and property owners in NYC, NJ and across the country.
Lead Overview Lead Services Contact UsWe Are Lead Experts Serving NYC,
NJ & Beyond
As an EPA certified consulting and abatement company, we provide essential Lead Testing and Lead Inspection Services to ensure your property is compliant with the latest lead regulations. Lead poisoning for children and adults has been found to impact both physical and neurological health. By limiting lead exposure, our goal is to preserve the health of all occupants, personnel, and visitors to your property.
Lead-based paint testing and inspections, removal, remediation, stabilization, enclosure, and/or encapsulation are just a few of the services we provide for landlords, property owners and tenants across NYC, NJ, Philadelphia and the tri-state area. If you own an older property or are unsure if you meet the latest inspection guidelines, contact the team at Lew Environmental to ensure you comply with new lead regulations.
Our Lead Services Include:
- Lead Paint Testing
- Lead Paint Abatement / Remediation
- Lead-Based Paint Inspections
- Risk Assessments
- Dust Wipe Clearance Sampling
- Water Sampling
- Lead Safe Work Practices
- Renovate, Repair, and Painting (RRP)
- Project Design, Specification Drafting and Estimating
- Operations &Maintenance Plan Preparation
- Lead Hazard Control
- Compliance Audits
- Air Sampling / Monitoring
- OSHA Compliance
- X-Ray Fluorescence (XFR) Inspections

It is our mission at LEW Environmental to provide honest, reliable, cost-effective turnkey solutions to property related environmental needs, while ensuring the highest level of customer service and customer satisfaction. Our professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and experienced team will continue to build on our legacy of trust and value, as we help clients succeed with their property oriented environmental goals and needs.
Learn MoreNYC Inspection
While lead-based paint was banned in New York City in 1960, older buildings may still contain it. Property owners are responsible for keeping tenants safe from lead based-paint hazards. Learn how Lew Environmental can help you ensure your property is compliant with new NYC Lead Laws.
Learn MoreLead Based Paint
Depending upon your facility requirements, LEW Environmental’s lead-based paint remediation includes total lead paint removal, stabilization, enclosure or encapsulation. All containment and abatement services are designed to eliminate lead exposure and preserve the health of occupants, personnel and visitors.
Learn MoreNJ Lead-Safe Certification Law
LEW Environmental Services is New Jersey’s largest and most recognized DCA Lead Evaluation Contractor and one of the most experienced environmental companies in the area. LEW Environmental welcomes the opportunity to discuss how we can assist you with the requirements and compliance strategies of this new law, while minimizing municipal effort, responsibility, and liability.
Learn MoreLead Pipes
While the use of lead in household plumbing in NYC has been banned for decades, some older homes—particularly single family houses built in the 1910s through 1930s—may still have lead pipes and/or fixtures. Individual property owners have the option to replace pipes and fixtures containing lead with lead-free pipes and fixtures.
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